Viper Velvet

Viper Velvet

  • Scientific name:
    Bothrops Asper

It is undoubtedly one of the most feared snakes that we can get in the world, as it is highly poisonous and above all very aggressive

Viper Velvet

  • Bothrops Asper

Velvet snakes are curious reptiles in whose species males and females have a different physiognomy, although at birth they are of the same shape and size. When they grow they develop their differences since they present a clear sexual dimorphism. Its differentiation is very marked, highlighting above all that the females are older than the males, counting with heads that can be up to three times larger than those of the male specimens.

Velvet snakes are curious reptiles in whose species males and females have a different physiognomy, although at birth they are of the same shape and size. When they grow they develop their differences since they present a clear sexual dimorphism. Its differentiation is very marked, highlighting above all that the females are older than the males, counting with heads that can be up to three times larger than those of the male specimens.

Velvet snakes are a type of reptile that has a large head with a triangular shape that is clearly differentiated from its neck. The background color of these animals usually varies between dark gray, brown and olive green with patterns similar to triangles or designs of varying shapes.

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