Bluewing Teals

Bluewing Teals

  • Scientific name:
    Anas Discors

The teals are small fast-flying ducks; they zigzag and move in unison in flocks.

Bluewing Teals

  • Anas Discors

Apparently a warm-weather duck, the blue-winged teal is largely absent from North America in the cold months and usually spends the winter in South America more often than any other Anatolian duck. Small groups of blue-winged teals are usually spotted on stumps or rocks on the banks of bodies of water.

Seek food in very shallow waters, catching food from the surface or swimming forward with the head partially submerged; On isolated occasions, the body rotates. It is unusual for it to feed away from water.

They leave the nest within 24 hours after hatching. The young find their own food, although the female takes care of them during the first weeks; often, they are left alone before they are old enough to fly. They can fly between 38 and 49 days after hatching.

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