Biting Turtle

Biting Turtle

  • Scientific name:
    Chelydra Serpentina

It is a species of reptile of the family Chelydridae. Live in areas with abundant water at less than 1,200 m.s. between southern Canada and Ecuador. It prefers the muddy bottoms, with a lot of vegetation.

Biting Turtle

  • Chelydra Serpentina

Its carapace is olive-colored, is between 50 and 60 cm long, flattened with rough dorsal shields. The marginal shields have a serrated edge. The plastron is small in the form of a cross with a very narrow bridge, yellow or brown. The head is voluminous covered by various protuberances like spines, three of them elongated in the chin. Peak-shaped snout with powerful jaw and 1 to 3 pairs of tactile submandibular barbels, the first pair much longer than the others.

Robust semi-lofty legs, claws, very long thick tail, big head.

Nightclub very active. It captures fish, birds, amphibians, small reptiles, small mammals, molluscs, crustaceans and insects. It also feeds on carrion and certain vegetables

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